186 Social Innovation Festival 2013 社會創新節2013

2013 (festival from September 27 to December 9, 2013) | Jockey Club Innovation Tower, Hong Kong Polytechnic University 香港理工大學賽馬會創新大樓
Team Lee Shu-fan, Wu Jinny, Che Ann, Yip WilsonClient Jockey Club Design Institute of Social InnovationContractor Castle EngineeringRadio Interview Youtube (7:14) on Wanchai Visual Archive
設計 李樹勳,, 胡靜怡, 朱燕玲, 葉嘉杰 客戶 賽馬會社會創新設計院施工 城堡工程電台訪問 Youtube (7:14) on Wanchai Visual Archive
Hong Kong constantly reinvents itself through a series of rapid disappearance and resurrections of all things temporal. How does a space acquire meanings and gain tractions in the society of which it serves before it expires? Wanchai Visual Archive (WVA) and Fashion Farm Foundation (FFF) explore this issue by rejuvenating the spaces inside two of the prototypical building types, the ubiquitous tenement houses and factory buildings.
WVA attempts to document and archive the culture of the immediate neighborhood through workshops, seminars, and exhibitions through its two years of existence as an institution. Through the use of a unique numbering system, the vertical stair tower of the 6-storey building is transformed into a building of infinite floors, connecting the street life and the rooftop activities. While at FFF the horizontality of factory space is exploited to its fullest with the creation of a 30-meter long multifunctional space that allows seminars, workshops, pop-up shops, and fashion shows for the community of young aspiring designers. Through the support of FFF, the young designers' presence is deliberately transient in this space, ensuring the successions of generations after the first comers spin off on their own.
Have you ever embarked on a journey through the rapidly disappearing tenement and factory buildings wondering what they contain behind their seemingly dilapidated appearances? We invite you, through this work of installation, on such a journey of exploration. Take a peek.
香港都市日新月異,所有東西包括建築在內都以一個很短的週期消失及重現。在這個以不斷變化為宗旨的社區中,空間的重塑及復興的意義何在?灣仔視集(WVA)及Fashion Farm Foundation (FFF時裝農場) 以出現在兩座香港隨處可見的舊建築中--唐樓及工廠大廈--的設計來對此思考。