134 Sichuan Earthquake Relief 四川災後重建計劃

2008 | Sichuan, China 中國四川
Team Chan Freeman Kaye, Chan Corrin, Lee Shu-fan
設計 陳惠基, 陳翠兒, 李樹勳
PLACE OF ENTERINGPlace of decompression. For those in need of and desiring Refuge. Accessible yet set apart. series of walls: green bamboo, plaster wall, water trough... There is a bridge and a Path. A traditional Teahouse is cultural expression of gathering, receiving, welcoming. The Path meanders through the space. Green. Cool. Fresh. Refreshing. The visitor chooses his own way. PLACE OF REFUGEIndividual Spaces which receive the cries of the Suffering. Differentiated Rooms of diverse form, shape, material, scale. Spaces of Solitude (one person, or a few together). Appealing to the Senses: sight, sound, smell, touch, taste... Rooms connected via bridges and galleries look out to landscaped gardens and water... PLACE OF THE SOULA unified, soaring space. Vertical in spatial character. Curvilinear in plan. The Sky is perfect, framed by the curving walls. Water reflects light and images. The perimeter is cloistered. The Soul is touched, healed, empowered. There is a shattered boulder reminding of the earthquake: powerful, menacing, ugly, violent. Yet also part of and embraced in this Place. The visitor must come to terms with its presence. PLACE OF RETURNINGThe Path continues to a rising ramp, with the destination not seen. There is Vantage Platform which looks into the Place of the Soul from higher level. One now looks down upon the Rock symbolizing overcoming. The Ramp continues up and finally emerges into the open air. In contrast with the Place of the Soul the Place of Returning is horizontal in spatial character, with dramatic views across the roofs of the school, to the city of Mianyang on the far horizon. The visitor's path merges with the public path and re-enters life.
-- Freeman Kaye Chan