Twenty four schools are constructed within a year after the first line was drawn on the paper, in three different provinces. Each measuring upward of 25000sm. At its heart was the creation of instant communities, grown out of architecture.
我們對國內大量的基層學校設計作了實地的調研, 並以思源第一、二期學校佈局為基礎, 了解學生校內每天的學習需要和生活流程, 發展出具前贍性和實驗性的第三期「圍合式」原型設計。
使用標準化原型設計讓我們能在最短的時間內建造最多的學校, 有效益地同時監控二十四個項目的質量, 令設計、管理和建造成本大大降低。
一般國內學校的規劃佈局源自五、六十年代, 主要著重於功能和形態。當今社會更注動全人發展, 讓孩子更有競爭力。寄宿學校是學生多年生活成長的環境,應訓練學生融入群體, 從亙相學習溝通中找到自我定位。
The dormitory corridors are left naturally ventilated and ordered by the vertical fins in a bright colour which doubled as structural support in a seemingly random sequence. It serves another purpose: to visually make the activity of clothes-drying more orderly by the architecture.
The shell-shaped landscape elements are made in the vision that when the tree in the middle grew to have a similar extend of canopy, the slightly bulged shaped in various degrees will provide a 360-degrees lying surface for the students to enjoy outdoor environment with sunshade.