225 K-park Korean Restaurant 韓圈韓國餐廳2016-2017. Tin Shui Wai, Hong Kong 香港天水圍
Team Lee Shu-fan, So Eric, Yung Winsy, Ho Yorkun, Lo Alex, Lam NoelClient Sincere Forward LimitedContractor OMA ProjectAREA 530smGraffiti Artist Pasha WaisGraphic Design Kitty Chan@Empress DesignPhotography Bowie ChanPress Design IDK
[Cool Shell, Warm Core]
As a satellite town, Tin Shui Wai represents a typical development away from the main activities happening in and around the downtown area. Areas like this are typified by spot developments, neigbourhoods connected by flyovers, young population, and disoriented and desolate outdoor spaces.
With over five hundred square metres of spaces, the K-park site resonates with these qualities and the idea to create a conceptual outdoor eatery seems a logical approach. What we need to add to all that would be an energetic atmosphere while keeping the inherent quality of the place and location. We constructed fragments of flyovers where diners can enjoy their meals underneath, while appreciating the street art dotted all over the place. The immense space is also accentuated by the open plan with unobstructed ceiling finishes and a moon in the sky. A black transparent shed containing the VIP area anchored the space acting as a found object in the town. The overall mood is deliberately made gloomy to contrast with the 'fire' symbols and the colourful graffiti throughout the restaurant. Together with the heat seeping out from the korean bbq stoves, the relatively cool space is compensated by the proximity of the heat, generating an outdoor dining atmosphere.
As a satellite town, Tin Shui Wai represents a typical development away from the main activities happening in and around the downtown area. Areas like this are typified by spot developments, neigbourhoods connected by flyovers, young population, and disoriented and desolate outdoor spaces.
With over five hundred square metres of spaces, the K-park site resonates with these qualities and the idea to create a conceptual outdoor eatery seems a logical approach. What we need to add to all that would be an energetic atmosphere while keeping the inherent quality of the place and location. We constructed fragments of flyovers where diners can enjoy their meals underneath, while appreciating the street art dotted all over the place. The immense space is also accentuated by the open plan with unobstructed ceiling finishes and a moon in the sky. A black transparent shed containing the VIP area anchored the space acting as a found object in the town. The overall mood is deliberately made gloomy to contrast with the 'fire' symbols and the colourful graffiti throughout the restaurant. Together with the heat seeping out from the korean bbq stoves, the relatively cool space is compensated by the proximity of the heat, generating an outdoor dining atmosphere.
設計 李樹勳, 蘇英偉, 翁穎詩, 何謹約, 盧健華, 林國倫客戶 Sincere Forward Limited施工 奧瑪策劃實用面積 530平米塗鴉 Pasha Wais平面設計 Kitty Chan@Empress Design攝影 Bowie Chan媒體報導 Design IDK
韓圈 的位址佔地超過五千平方米,備有以上提到的特質,故團隊聯想到要創造一間能於概念上讓客人置身戶外的餐館,並令其充滿活力的氛圍。我們將分段的天橋放進餐廳之中,讓客人可以在天橋底下享用餐點,同時欣賞周邊的街頭藝術。開放式天花及高掛的月亮亦襯托出空間的廣闊。餐廳較內部的位置放著一間可穿透的黑色棚屋作VIP區,意為城市中有待發現的物體。餐廳整體的氛圍與「火紋」符號及斑斕的塗鴉形成鮮明對比,加上韓式燒烤爐溢出的溫度抵償著空調的涼意,能更像真地營造出戶外用餐的環境氣氛。